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Purpose & Enrichment Podcasts

When we’re growing up, we certainly experience a lot of “firsts.” First words, first steps, first day of school, first sport or play or instrument, first date, first job, and so forth. Through all of this, we learn and experience the world as it comes, but thoughts of purpose and meaning are usually well off in the distance for most of us. Unfortunately, once adulthood and “grown-up” responsibilities of work and family and owning property and supporting our community and a thousand other things dominate our lives, there may be fleeting thoughts about purpose… but we’re often too busy to explore that much.

As we reach our later years, many of us begin to wonder… what’s left for me? I’ve worked, raised a family, perhaps been a grandparent, and now I’m headed toward - or perhaps firmly in the midst of - retirement. What is my purpose now? How do I explore that?

On There is a Season, we believe that finding purpose and enrichment - continuing to “become” - is important no matter what season you’re experiencing. We encourage our family, friends and listeners to pursue meaningful lives, less and less encumbered by our stuff…by media…and by the notion that somehow…our story is over. Far, far from it! We hope you find some inspiration to that effect in these podcasts.

Click on a link below to launch the Tune-In player for each podcast. Please be sure your speakers are on :)

SEEK Conference Presentation (Bob & Gloria’s Presentation Notes)

Enrichment & Purpose (Guest: Nora Stanger, College of Lifelong Learning)

A Positive versus Negative Outlook

Seniors Staying Active

Bonus Years

Aging and Relevance

Careers Later in Life

What Do We Want for Our Later Years?

Seniors in the Workforce

Now that We’re Empty-Nesters